Many of our collections include a wall art print credit.
“Oh – but I won’t want any wall art. I have kids.”
We hear it all the time. But guess what? Your kids don’t look at your images and think “Oh man, there’s Dad’s sex goddess”.
They think, “Wow!!! Mom looks gorgeous there – and I can tell she feels pretty.”
Along those same lines, how incredible would it be to see an image of your grandmother back in the day? Wouldn’t you hang it proudly somewhere in your home? I know I would. So leave that excuse at the door, Friend.
So begs the question – after your boudoir session is finished, now what? Of course, you could post them online or give some to your significant other. But what a rush of empowerment would it be every time you saw the image of yourself owning it!
Wall Art is the perfect way to see your art up on the wall each day. Not just that, but these can serve as daily affirmations of your strength and beauty. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Many of our clients purchase wall art – yes, even people in Idaho!!! Some like to display their art where everyone can see. Others like to keep their art behind closed areas, just for them and their significant other.

Need some ideas on where to hang your wall art? Look no further.
- The closet wall on your significant other’s side – or your own side!
- Grouped prints above your bed.
- One large picture in your master bathroom above your tub (who uses that towel bar anyway?)
- A private hallway or walking space.

Wherever you decide to place your wall art is up to you. But I would definitely encourage (as would the majority of our clients) you to have SOMETHING hanging up for you to see each and every day. I know most of our clients would encourage you to do the same!