For anyone who knows this gal, we all know what an amazing human being she is. She is full of life and love and is as real as they come! We LOVED having her in our studio!!! As a matter of fact, Jenafer Crofts (our Hair and Makeup Artist) had to call us the other day JUST to tell us how FIRE Miss A’s images after looking at them again – haha! LOVE IT!!!! See what she had to say about her session.
What made you decide to book a boudoir session?
I’m working on loving myself where I’m at not after x, y, or z. My 45th was coming up and I wanted to celebrate me.
How did you feel before your session?
I was apprehensive. It was the first time I was letting someone else be in charge of the camera and full body shots.
How did you feel during your session?
I want to say totally at ease but I think I might have gone over the top emoting because of my nerves.
How did you feel after your session?
Exhausted! But in a great way. There is so much involved physically and emotionally whether you notice it or not. After a work out you might be tired but your energized at the same time.
What would you tell your best friend if she was telling you she was interested in booking a boudoir session with our studio?
I would be beside myself with excitement! I would be helping her find the perfect pieces to bring and just so excited I couldn’t stand it!