I used to be a music teacher at the old Whitney Elementary in Boise, Idaho. It feels like a lifetime ago. I was 22 or 23 – fresh out of college, excited about loving on those kiddos. I loved them FIERCELY. I wanted to be the reason they believed in themselves.
Our classroom was constantly MOVING. After all – it was music class. We’d march into the portable to a popular song in history and they would follow my movement patterns. We had several different activities we did throughout the year, but this and roll call were staples in every class.
For roll call, I would sing their name and they would sing back “here” in the same pattern. And they KNEW that they would be in BIG trouble if they EVER made fun of another student’s singing. During my time teaching – every child – boy and girl – from kindergarten to 6th grade sang it back to me. 6th grade boys, singing solos in their high-pitched singing voice without fear or insecurity.
My husband, on the other hand, was told when he was young that he should not be singing and to leave the choir classroom. Ugh. My music teaching heart 💔.
I Hope I am the Reason Someone Believes in Themselves
I’ve strived to be the person who uplifts others, but I know I’ve made big mistakes in my 46 years of life (I cringe when I think back to those comments!). I know I’ve been the reason someone has struggled with insecurity. I don’t think I ever did it intentionally, but we are all human and it’s simply part of the learning process. But I hope that the habit of my life has been encouraging to those around me. Lifting them up and believing in them so incredibly much that they start believing in themselves. I hope that the love that Jesus has poured on me has become an outpouring of love to those around me.
I miss those kids and still think of Dorian, Dona, Jhescie, Dominick, Sierra, Lexi…and so many more. I hope they went into their adult years being that same support to others as they were in their elementary years.
Full Circle
It’s crazy to think that even after leaving the teaching field almost 20 years ago, I’ve come full circle. The same mission I had way back then is the mission I have today. Every day, I get to pour love and affirmation into women who walk into my studio. It’s my hope that I believe in you SO DANG MUCH that you start believing in yourself. And then after that, you pour that same affirmation and love into someone else.
I love this poem by Mostafa Ibrahim and encapsulates everything I just wrote in a couple of sentences. May you be the reason someone believes in themselves.