“But I’m not confident enough to do a boudoir session.”
Oh girl – you’re not the first to say this and you won’t be the last. As a matter of fact, you are in good company if you’re lacking confidence when you come into the studio.
We often say, “You don’t need any confidence to book a boudoir session, but you DO need a little bit of courage.”

First of all – TRUST yourself! You had enough courage to make the appointment and to show up! NOW, it’s your turn to fall into the confidence you were hoping to find during your session. All we ask is that you trust the process.
Second of all – TRUST your photographer – we know what we’re doing. We photograph well over 100 women every single year and we’ve probably already had at least one woman in our studio who has had similar feelings as yours. And we’ve never failed a woman to help her relax. We will guide you, have fun with you, and break the ice! We’ve done this plenty of times before, so have faith and cling to us for support!
I know what outcome you’re hoping for when you experience a boudoir session. You want to feel more confident! I also know the results – GORGEOUS images of women who realize that they are indeed worthy! But in the middle?!?! We are SILLY! So, please don’t take yourself too seriously at your session. I have done lives before where I’ve fallen off a couch!!!! But guess what! I just laugh it off, so PLEASE do the same! If you don’t know what you’re doing, that’s okay. Get silly with it, laugh at yourself, and get into the zone!

I say often, “Oh what? You don’t normally seduce your significant other like this?!?” Honestly – NONE of these poses are things we do to seduce anyone. They are not normal poses, but they look INSANE on camera and they are going to bring out the confidence you’re looking for. So, Girlfriend, be you – Nobody expects you to be a professional model. You don’t have to know anything about boudoir. Be yourself, breathe, and let go of any concerns. We got you!
Don’t overthink it – Being nervous is normal. Like I said before, most of us are doing a boudoir session to get confidence out of it – then we see the results of the gorgeous images. But what we don’t see is the process to getting there! So try not to have any expectations about the process – we’ll take care of you there. Don’t worry about you doing the wrong things or the right things. Instead, take it slow and easy. You’ll be surprised at how soon you get into the flow of things! By the end of the session, you’re ready to dance on a pole! Haha – kidding…kind of.
I love seeing a woman unfold right in front of my camera – We are so excited for your session and can’t wait to see you grow more confident with each click of the camera. See you soon!
If you’d like to see transformations of women who walk into our studio feeling timid and walk out feeling confident, take a look at our transformation gallery HERE.
2 Responses
I loved how you said to trust yourself. For the past couple of weeks, I have been struggling with my self-confidence, and I have thought about getting a boudoir photoshoot done to help me with my self-esteem. I’ll keep this information in mind once I find a boudoir photographer to work with.
Yes! You should definitely move forward with a boudoir photography session! And I happen to know a boudoir photographer :).