Top Ten Reasons to Schedule a Boudoir Session

Corset Lingerie Boudoir
Picture of Cyndee Wanyonyi

Cyndee Wanyonyi

Hi! I'm Cyndee Wanyonyi, the gal behind the camera. I'm passionate about seeing women love themselves a little more today than they did yesterday

When someone first looks into a boudoir session with our studio, one of the first things I ask is “why boudoir”?

Women come into our studio every day for a different reason. No matter YOUR reason – OUR reason for “why boudoir” is that it is a beautiful part of the journey to loving yourself a little more today than you did yesterday.

Here are some of the most popular reasons a woman is considering a boudoir session. What would be your reason?

1. it’s your birthday.

This is one of the most popular reasons someone books a boudoir session with our studio. What better gift to give yourself than that of self-confidence? We love a good birthday session – complete with your very own cake smash, candle and champaign popping cork!

Birthday Boudoir

2. it’s your significant other’s birthday.

Another favorite reason for the women who grace our studio. It’s kind of a two for one, really. Gift for you, gift for him or her! Win-Win!

Alien lingerie short hair pixie

3. to celebrate an anniversary.

What man/woman is NOT going to LOVE this spicy anniversary gift? If you happen to call our studio too close to your anniversary and we’re unable to fit you in in time, we’ve got some GREAT options for you! We have a TEASER box that we provide any client who happens to have procrastinated a little bit on their gift. You add sexy things to your box and you’ve got a FANTASTIC pre-gift to your gift of Boudoir Photos.

4. use it as a reward.

Are you working toward a specific goal? Fitness goal? Educational goal? Career goal? Make your boudoir session something you reward yourself once you get to your goal! A reward at the end makes your journey that much sweeter!
Corset Lingerie Boudoir

5. divorce congratulations.

No one starts out their marriage with hopes for a divorce. But usually when a woman arrives to that point, she has already made her decision. It’s usually after much deliberation and much heartache. Because of this, MANY women celebrate the freedom they find when they are FINALLY unchained from their marriage.

Divorce Boudoir

6. wedding gift.

Can you imagine giving him the album before your wedding. He’s not going to think about much else the rest of the day. Give him a teaser before your big night!

Bridal Boudoir

6. to celebrate becoming a mother.

Your body is CHANGING. What a glorious vessel that has housed you for many years. NOW it is home to another little human. It is nourishing that human. What better reason to celebrate with a boudoir session. Pause time just for a moment to honor your body – right here, right now.

Maternity Boudoir

8. to see yourself through someone else’s eyes.

There’s a reason I am a photographer. I know all the right angles, light and poses for every body. When we see ourselves in the mirror, we are looking at literally THE MOST unflattering angle EVER. You may have let the mean girls in your head talk to that beautiful woman in the mirror – telling her lies that she has believed her whole life. Why not let someone else show you what THEY see. What I see. I promise you – you’ll NEVER see yourself the same way.

Before and After Hair and Makeup Transformation with Boudoir Defined

9. to challenge yourself or take yourself out of your comfort zone.

Have you been on a journey of self-love? Self-acceptance? Learning how to get on the other side of fear? It’s true. A Boudoir Session feels scary before you do it. But guess what. It’s not really that scary. Seriously. The scariest part is scheduling that phone call to have your first conversation heading to conquering your fears. You don’t need confidence to do this, but you do need a bit of courage. So what are you waiting for?

Boudoir Red Lips

10. just because.

But you know what? You actually don’t need a reason at all. You can do it just because you want to. This is why some women come back to our studio year after year. With some of our collections, a complimentary session fee is included when it’s used within 24 months. SO MANY women LOVE this special little treat we reward our best clients with. So come and see us. Just because.

Butt Boudoir

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