Oh Crap. I’m turning 40. Now what?
Turning 40 has been a little rough. Not only am I getting older, but I FEEL it as well! My body moves a little slower, my joints get a little achy and my energy lags. I’ve lost deep-rooted friendships I thought would last a lifetime through either neglect, miscommunication or differing ideologies. Additionally, I’ve hurt our family by unselfishly serving people whose only motive was to take advantage of us. It’s not been an easy road, this turning 40.
In contrast – turning 40 has also been beautiful. I’ve learned the importance of not worrying about other people’s opinions of me (which is something I will likely always have to fight against). That their opinion is honestly…none of my business. I’ve learned that even my family’s opinions are not where I should focus my energy. I’ve also learned a deeper level of God’s love for me and for all humanity. That God’s love is not conditional on my behavior or even my beliefs for that matter. And that if He gives me that much grace, I can surely extend that grace to others. My husband Lumuli and I have found a deeper friendship and relationship than we’ve ever seen before in our marriage. We know each other intimately and in turn – are able to love more intentionally and freely than ever. Most importantly, I have learned about who I am as a Child of God, Woman, Mother, Wife, Friend and Entrepreneur.
I am Worthy – even at 40.
So now, for myself, after years of telling other people how amazing and beautiful and perfect they are in this very moment – I realized I needed someone to do that for me – to make me feel beautiful & worthy at 40. Someone to help me appreciate every stretch mark, every scar and every jiggly part of this incredible life-producing body – someone to help me accept with gratitude the extra few wrinkles around my face and grays on my head – someone to help me see the value and worth around myself as I am – and someone to encourage and affirm me at this very moment.
These are just a few of the reasons I started Boudoir Defined – a Photography Studio dedicated to inspiring confidence in women.
Lessons I’ve Learned.
I have learned that turning 40 is not scary. It’s not the beginning of the end. It’s actually the beginning. The beginning of loving yourself, knowing your creator, believing in your worth and trusting that turning 40 is simply part of your journey.
Don’t forget that you, Woman, are priceless, valuable, and worthy of good relationships. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. You are someone who strives to be a better version of themselves, while understanding that the path to growth can sometimes be bumpy along the way.
As you continue to walk down this path of life, you’ll make new discoveries. Discoveries that may help you lose the 30 pounds you’ve been desperately trying to shed, that may help you to let go of other’s expectations of you or that may allow you to feel more confident than you’ve ever felt before. Just like any growth, you may transform into someone different – but right now? You truly are amazing. Right NOW is where you were meant to be – right NOW is your perfection.
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